Monday, February 25, 2008


Sikhi and Our Youth

In the past I have posted quite a few audio lectures from Gurdwara by SSS Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji which I thought were very inspirational and educational (and have shaped who I am today). This weekend has been a very thoughtful and pensive weekend for me. I was not feeling so well so stayed home with daughter Charanjeet Kaur and watched quite a few old videos of lectures and questions and answer sessions with Sikh youth from England, Canada and USA.

In the videos he answers many common questions related to Sikhi, and more specifically questions related to Sikhs of western origin. Normally most of his lectures are one way to the sangat in Gurdwara, so the ones I watched are very different because people ask questions and he answers them. As I have time I'll watch them again and edit them down to smaller chunks so you all can benefit.

Here is one of the videos which is an eleven minute excerpt on the topic of our youth and being a Sikh. This is from Dec. 29th 1988 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. The video is mostly in English but switches into Punjabi from time to time.

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