Monday, January 07, 2008


Podcasting & Recent SikhWithin Episode with Snatam K

Those of you who have an IPOD or other digital audio/video player might have heard the term "podcast". Podcasting is a way to get the audio/videos automatically downloaded to your computer or portable audio player. Once you have things set up, you will always have access to the most recent shows, as MP3 files on your computer or portable device, ready for listening!

There are very few Sikh related podcasts at this time, however one of my friends (Dr. Savi) produces a regular podcast called "Sikhwithin". One tuned into one of the recent podcasts and enjoyed listening to it, so I thought I would share it with you all.

Sikhwithin Episode 28 - Special with Snatam Kaur
Nice interview with Snatam Kaur from here recent visit to England and a recording of her playing kirtan.

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