Tuesday, July 03, 2007


The Famous Har Nar Singh (AKA: Harry Perry)

Tomorrow is a holiday so I thought I would post something a bit different then I normally do. I’m always on the lookout for unique music and Sikhs, to share with you all.

Many of you who have seen American movies that have scenes on Venice beach, and might already know about the guy named Harry Perry who to many of us is also known as Har Nar Singh. He is well known for riding on his roller skates up and down Venice beach playing music with his electric guitar. He is quite a character! I have known him since I was just a "wee lad" during the time when I lived in Los Angeles.

My most distinct childhood memory with him is related to ice cream sandwiches which we used to eat at a health food store (both of which are not around anymore). I forget the name of them but he used to call me "Nectar Name" which was a spin off of the ice cream sandwich name. For some reason I always remember him saying that to me.

In any case, he comes to Summer Solstice every year and always jams out somewhere singing his heavy metal music. Some of his music has all kinds of spiritual lyrics too, so it is quite interesting hearing it. He also plays some Gurbani (Herry Perry heavy metal style!) which most of you have probably never heard before!

During Summer Solstice on the last day there is always an all night rensabai kirtan, where everyone sleeps under the huge shelter and listens to the kirtan all night (sleeping or awake). I always find it funny how Har Nar Singh (Harry Perry) always ends up with the early morning time slots when everyone is asleep. Why you ask do I amuse on this note? Normally at 2-3AM I would think about hearing some kirtan that is mellow and not too loud. Harry Parry literally rocks you awake from your sleep with his heavy metal version of "Raj Jog Takhat Deen Guru Ram Das". Maybe it is a hint to get up early for the morning Sadhana! Hahaha… I have long since given up trying to sleep during the all night kirtan and normally just sleep in my tent hearing the kirtan from afar as it travels around the campsite.

Have a listen below to a recording of him playing "Raj Jog Takhat Deen Guru Ram Das" during the rensabai kirtan a couple of weeks ago and you’ll know what I mean. It rocks! Not that I’m a heavy metal fan…but it just makes me smile, and I like that. It’s just so unique.

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