Thursday, June 15, 2006


Snatam Kaur - Gobinday Mukhanday Meditation

Last night we did an amazing meditation for 62 minutes chanting the Guru Gayatri Mantra (from Jaap Sahib), "Gobinday Mukhanday, Udharay, Apaaray, Harian, Kariang, Nirname, Akhame". The chanting was lead by Snatam Kaur along with quite a few others on backup vocals, Guitar, Violin and Tabla. We did this meditation after a long (wonderfull) day at the Jaap Sahib Course. It was quite an evening!

If you want to try meditating to the audio, download the file and then play it on your computer or audio player loud enough for the sound to surround and "wash over" you. Sit with your legs crossed on the floor and sit up with your spine straight and shoulders relaxed. Close your eyes and start chanting the mantra. Pull in the navel area near your stomach a bit as you pronounce the end of each word (Gobin-day, Mukhan-day...). Focus at your third eye point in between your eyebrows at the base of your nose with your eyes closed. Continue the meditation for as long as you can (at least 11 minutes). You'll notice how you can really get into it after a while. The audio evolves and changes throughout the 63 minutes. When we were all chanting it together as a group it felt very powerfull. Give a try and see what happens? Your mind may start to wander so just keep bringing it back to the mantra and chant it out loud powerfully from the navel point in your stomach.

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