Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Miri Piri Academy Girls - Sadhana Chant Music

Earlier I was going through some recordings from previous Summer Solstice Camps and found some that I hadn't edited yet. These are some live recordings from early in the morning during sadhana, as a 1,000+ people sit under the huge shelter meditating and chanting together as the sun come up over the horizon. This recording is of some of the Miri Piri Academy girls (and a few guys). Every morning a different group of people play live music. I remember this particular morning feeling full of joy and emotion at the same time. Narayan was sleeping next to me and the sun was just peaking out over the mountains. I remember tears flowing as I felt the vibration and energy of everyone singing together. It was a beautiful experience.
Solstice is only about 1.5 weeks away so I'm getting excited! All of us at SikhNet are going to be there the whole week. We close the SikhNet office for the week (and yes....I won't be blogging either! No internet up there on the mountain). I'm already rounding up my camping stuff and getting ready (tent, flash light, mat, etc). Narayan loves camping in the tent. It's a lot of fun.
This saturday some friends that I met in England last year (Sukha Singh and Kamalroop Singh) are coming for their first visit to Espanola, for the Jaap Sahib course and Solstice camp (and to connect with the local Sikhs). Thanks to local youth support for money to help cover airfare costs so the the second Sikh Youth Travel Exchange could happen!
The main vocals are by Nirinjan Kaur (Vancouver) - Daughter of Guru Raj Kaur and Hari Singh). She recently recorded a nice CD of "Sopurkh". You can check out the sound clips.
You can listen to the four tracks continuous with the below player or download them individually.
Download Individual Tracks
Mul Mantra
Rakhe Rakhanhar
Sat Siri Siri Akal
Waheguru Wahe Jio