Monday, March 20, 2006
Hari Bhajan Kaur - Sat Siri Siri Akal
Tonight I was just going through my hard drive, organizing files on my computer and I found a couple of audio tracks by Hari Bhajan Kaur from Gurdwara a long while back. Many of you had emailed me that you really enjoyed the last track that I posted (Gobinday Mukhanday) so I figured I would post some more. Hari Bhajan Kaur is gifted with a beautiful voice which I always bliss out singing along at Gurdwara. I keep trying to encourage her to record a CD, and the last time I spoke with her it sounded like she was planning things out. It's just a matter of time. In the mean time I'll continue enjoying the soothing vibrations at Gurdwara.
The following track: "Sat Siri Siri Akal" was recorded the same Gurdwara as the "Gobinday Mukhanday" one.