Monday, February 13, 2006


Bonus Gurbani MP3 Tonight

Ok, I'm think I'm in trouble already for not going to sleep yet, but I think "WaheGuru" wills it to be. Hahaha. Wait!...maybe that is me who is willing it and I just think it is God/Waheguru. I guess I'm part of God too, right? Oh well, so much for justifying myself. Hahaha... As long as you all enjoy, it's all worth it.

The problem with having lots of cool stuff to share is that I want to just keep sharing it all, but the reality is that it is too much to share all at once so I have to be patient and just post things over time so people have the time to enjoy and take it in.

I was browsing through the SikhNet mp3 archive and I just happened upon this track. The "problem" with having so much music is you may not even know or have heard of all of it. This was one of those tracks that I had under "Classical Indian" but was in fact all Gurbani shabads by Chand Afzaal Qawwal which I'm sure you guessed by the name is Qawalli music. I love the Qawalli style of music which is very spirited and up-beat. If you are new to the blog you can hear another good Qawalli style shabd that I posted back in Aug.

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