Saturday, September 16, 2006


Finding Your Direction

A while back in March of 2006 I was thinking about how we all go through life and make different decisions which can bring us closer to our "soul" or move us more out of touch with it. At the time I wrote about thoughts that were on my mind in relation to being a Sikh or not and how we are influenced by the things around us, society, and your own mind. I think it was the morning after I wrote that article I came into the SikhNet office as usual and found Guruka Singh and Guru Darshan Kaur talking about related experiences. I quickly got sucked into the conversation and as I noticed it was a very interesting discussion (and I am always in "journalist mode") I switched on my video camera which I luckily had right there. This is a recording of the casual talk between us about being a Sikh and finding your direction.

As I was editing the video to post online I watched it quite a few times, and found a lot of the points very thought provoking. Hopefully you enjoy it too and get some inspiration from it.

Guru Darshan Kaur is a good friend of mine and I have been reading her emails which she has been sending to me and other friends about her life in India right now. She is still on her "journey", and just last month moved back to Amritsar, India (working at Miri Piri Academy) after living here in Espanola, New Mexico for quite some time.

Download: Video (95MB) / Audio (10MB)

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