Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Guruka Singh - Anchor Points in Life

The topic of the video relates to experiences that you might have had that become major influencers in the direction of your life.

This is the last video from the recording session that I did with Guruka Singh back in June.

Download: Video / Audio

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Chardikala Jatha - Free-form/Alaap

Here is a beautiful audio clip of Chardikala Jatha doing a bit of Alaap (from June 2006). The track has a fast pace and up-beat rhythm with lots of high energy. When I listen to it, it takes me up into the mountains….through the clouds and flying around. Especially when Sada Sat Simran Singh sings his high notes along with Hari Mandir Jot’s tabla beats.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Karma & Dharma Within Sikh Dharma (Punjabi Katha)

Siri Singh Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji

Over the past 35 years Siri Singh Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogi ji gave thousands of lectures, mostly in English, so the fiew that I find that are in Punjabi are a bit rare. Here is one that I found. My Punjabi is not good so I can't really give the lecture a title or summarize it. If you listen to it...please do post a comment as to the topic of the lecture and any details. Thanks.


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